At The ENT Specialist Centre, our International Patient Service team can help with the various aspects of your medical appointment. Based on the medical history provided, we can recommend an appropriate length of stay, especially if further diagnostic tests or procedures are required, as well as estimated medical costs.
Please contact us for tie-ups with hotels that are located at close proximity to Mt Elizabeth Novena Hospital where our clinic is situated.
For non-English/Chinese/Malay/Bahasa speaking families, we can help to arrange for interpreters.
Please click here for an overview of our website in Bahasa, Mandarin, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese.
Patients from ASEAN countries (except Myanmar) do not require a visa to enter Singapore. For a comprehensive list of countries whose citizens would require one, please check the Immigration & Checkpoint Authority website here.
If your treatment requires that you and your family enter Singapore several times, you can apply for a multiple entry visa and we can issue a letter to support your application.
As a foreigner, you are entitled to a tax refund on certain medications and optical aids. Our clinic is registered with Global Blue, a tourist tax refund service provider.
Mt Elizabeth Novena Specialist Centre
38 Irrawaddy Road, #10-21/39/40
Singapore 329563
WA: 8508 9033 | TEL: 6339 8938
Parkway East Hospital
321 Joo Chiat Road, #03-01
Singapore 427990
WA: 8504 6368 | TEL: 6239 5228
Mt Alvernia Medical Centre
820 Thomson Road, #07-65
Singapore 574623
WA: 8508 9033 | TEL: 6258 8638